Balacera en Reynosa

Balacera en Reynosa

Sunday, September 27, 2020

chardin5.jpgPainting  1 Spring 2020
Assignment Still Life (Nature Morte)

Use a variety objects that you want to paint.
Materials List
Shadow Box (as demonstrated in class)
And minimum of five (5) objects from the list  below. Objects should be from different materials such as metal, glass, ceramic……

1.       Drapery / cloth
2.       Spherical object (apples..)
3.       Box like object (books…)
4.       Cylindrical object (cup, vessel…)
5.       Cone like object         ( seashells…)

Suggested items:
·         containers: Bowls, plates, glasses, cups containers different sizes or different materials  ceramic, glass, metal,…
·         Fruit (real or artificial)
·         Eggs. Bread.
·         Books.
·         Flowers, real or artificial
·         Bones, cow skulls or any other kind of animal.
·         Miscellenaus materials:  hour glass, candle holders….Any thing you find interesting to paint.

Canvas sizes
 11 x 14  or something similar 
We will work indirectly(under painting) on the still life paintings
1.       Imprimatura (rub out) with earth color

2.       And finish with Dead palette.

Use Dead palette for this still life