Balacera en Reynosa

Balacera en Reynosa

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Intermediate Drawing

Spring 2021

Nude Figure Master Copy 

Drawing materials

red chalk 
white chalk 
toned paper color "tan"

You are to pick two of the images and print in color they are formatted to print large with high resolution. (you can also work from the computer monitor). You are to create two master copies from the selection below Due on the 14th of April.

Recommended size is 18 x 24


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Landscape Mastercopy Painting I 

Students will be assigned a painting from the images below by Pissarro , Monet Constable, Church, Ruisdale or Vermeer to do a landscape master copy. Students is to print the image. This master copy is to prepare you for the landscape painting assignment.

Use canvas size 11x14(minimum size)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

chardin5.jpgPainting  1 Spring 2020
Assignment Still Life (Nature Morte)

Use a variety objects that you want to paint.
Materials List
Shadow Box (as demonstrated in class)
And minimum of five (5) objects from the list  below. Objects should be from different materials such as metal, glass, ceramic……

1.       Drapery / cloth
2.       Spherical object (apples..)
3.       Box like object (books…)
4.       Cylindrical object (cup, vessel…)
5.       Cone like object         ( seashells…)

Suggested items:
·         containers: Bowls, plates, glasses, cups containers different sizes or different materials  ceramic, glass, metal,…
·         Fruit (real or artificial)
·         Eggs. Bread.
·         Books.
·         Flowers, real or artificial
·         Bones, cow skulls or any other kind of animal.
·         Miscellenaus materials:  hour glass, candle holders….Any thing you find interesting to paint.

Canvas sizes
 11 x 14  or something similar 
We will work indirectly(under painting) on the still life paintings
1.       Imprimatura (rub out) with earth color

2.       And finish with Dead palette.

Use Dead palette for this still life 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Painting assignments for Monday -Tuesday. Painting A Sphere in Grisaille.

1 painting measuring 9x 12 of a sphere Due on Wednesday posted on blackboard and on your own personal blog. Follow the instructions and process I demonstrate on the Youtube video “Painting a Sphere in Grisaille”. Address all the major areas of value such as highlight, light, ,,,turning, form shadow, reflected light,,,.

Also upload your set up  as I shown below.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Painting  1 Assignments for the weekend of July 17 – 19.


2 paintings measuring 9 x 12 of cylinders due on Monday posted on blackboard and on your own personal blog. Mix and use your nine values of gray.


1 painting is to be done following the process I demonstrate on the Youtube video “Painting a cylinder with planes” you are to paint along with me as I paint the cylinder on the video. Show the different planes I discuss on the video ( no blending) Use the image below to help you get started with the drawing.


1 painting of a cylinder that is smooth(blended) and curving  as I demonstrate on the Youtube video “painting a cylinder part 2” For this one you are to set up a cylinder or cylindrical form preferably without decoration in your studio space with one light source. Make sure that you address and demonstrate the different areas of value such as

·      Highlight

·      Light

·      Halflights 

·      Darklights

·      Turning is actually the edge of the Form shadow

·      Reflected light 

·      Cast shadow.

You do not have to label them but I want to be able to distinguish the different values that represent each area.


In addition to uploading your finished cylinder painting Upload a picture of the actual cylinder and light set up you are painting.



Also make sure for next week you have ready with you the following colors

Yellow ochre and Red ochre.

Red ochre comes in a wide variety of names such as Venetian red, English red, Indian red. Any of these will do. They are all the same pigment with slight variations. It is an earthy muted or dull red. 


Do not use cadmium red or alizaring red or permanent red.


If it is not possible to find I can give you some we just have to make arrangements for you to come to the university and pick it up.  

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

To prepare for painting the cylinder and sphere copy all drawings and notes from the images below and upload to your personal blog before class on Friday.

Monday, July 13, 2020

July 14, 2020

Painting 1

  •   still life of boxes . imprimatura stage should be completed 
  • watch video on mixing nine values of gray. mixed from ivory black, raw umber and titanium white
  • start painting opaquely using your nine values of gray.( example below).

Painting in Grisaille 

Finished Still life of Boxes